How To Make Your Thrifted Item Punk

The other day I went thrifting, and I found something I liked, and I just had to buy it. When girls wear jerseys as dresses, it is an adorable look. It’s punk mixed with hip-hop mixed with a little casual class. On my last thrifting experience, I stumbled across an XL Dodgers jersey that satisfied my simple oversized shirtdress desire. I immediately bought it and was left excited, thinking about the myriad of looks I would rock. However, when I got home, I realized it had a gross company-sponsored logo on the arm. UCLA Health must have had a work outing or some weird sponsorship, but whatever the reason, my really awesome Dodgers Jackie Robinson Jersey looked like a cheap company shirt. I wouldn’t have bought it if I saw that logo, but now I did, and I decided to make the best of it instead of hating it forever. I am stubborn, and I refuse to admit defeat. To fix my purchasing mistake, I decided to use my crafting techniques to make it something that is one of a kind.

Crafting, especially sewing, is a daunting thing. Most people don’t know how to sew, so why would you even want to try? You might break it, which costs you money, so you would be wasting it. However, sewing has grown significantly since the 1800s, and technology has improved. Evolution doesn’t just stop at biology. No, sewing crafts have become easy and straightforward, even for the best novice. If there is something you want to do, there is always an option that won’t cost a million dollars. If there is a thing you hate about the garment, you have a couple of options to cover it. You can embroider it, or you can put a patch on it. Embroidery can have a timeless or classy look, and patches give a punk look. Patches can be simple, but they can also be fun. Any part of your personality can be found in a patch. Patches also really make an exciting outfit. The more you add, the more that creates a punk style, but even a few creates something rock and roll or hip hop. If I add one or two patches on a jersey, I would make something that would bring up curiosity from people around me. It would also look expensive since it would be something I designed.

I found some patches on eBay, which is a great source for crafting supplies. Prices are reasonable, and the sources are generally fine. Also, if you’re trying to break away from the capitalistic oligarch Amazon, eBay typically has some excellent options. I measured the area I wanted to cover and bought two more patches to make it feel like it was part of a theme. I don’t have a sewing machine, but I do have an iron. I had thread and a needle, so I sewed four small sections to make it feel contained and ironed the rest. Style is different for everyone, but there is something special about making something uniquely yours. I had made a mistake at the thrift store by buying something I hadn’t fully inspected, but because of my mistake, I made something unique. I am proud of my work and appreciate not having to spend a million dollars to wear something I am proud of. I had something cool, but now I made something punk and unique that would make people say, “Wow, where did you get that?”. With my mistake, I made something I’m really proud of, and if I make it again, I can’t wait to see what I create next.

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