Mexico City, Berlin, and Montreal are the Three Best Vegan Friendly Cities!

Veganism has transformed a lot in the last ten years. Whether beneficial for health or a moral obligation, most people have aimed to eat more vegan meals. However, the question arises if Veganism is easier in places outside major cities in the United States. From my experience traveling for the last five years, Mexico City, Berlin, and Montreal were the top three cities I have been to for vegan travel.

Mexico City is a cacophony of culture and history, creating a flavor unmatched by any other city. Everywhere you look, there are smells, sounds, and visual beauties. Mexico City might seem like a place that can’t cater to vegan diets, but that is further from the truth. In fact, before the Spanish colonized Mexico, the Aztec people were more vegan than anything else. Living off the vegetation of things like beans, corn, and maybe venison, cheese, and meat was foreign to the Aztecs. So, going to a place like Mexico City, you are bombarded with options and opportunities for eating. Places like Fat Vegan, Vegamo Bakery, and Gracias Madre are just a couple of the countless places you can eat at. Vegan food is also available on tours as well. If you mention ahead of time that you are vegan, the tour guides will do anything in their power to make your experience enjoyable. I have managed to have authentic Mexican tamarind candy, mole, corn, and tequila in one tour. Mexico City hides itself behind what other people assume it can be, but the truth is Mexico City is as vegan-safe as it comes.

Germany is one of the countries that has genuinely accepted and welcomed Veganism into their culinary culture, with Berlin being the epicenter. Truthfully, when I went to Berlin, I hadn’t done much research on the Veganism that was there, but I found that wherever I was, vegan options greeted me. There was always an option for olive bread and falafel sandwiches, whether at a bakery or a standard food stand. However, if you want to try a vegan restaurant, don’t skip on restaurants like “Good Morning Vietnam Vegan” or “Feel Seoul Good.” Nothing is better than delicious Asian food vegan dishes. Brammibal’s vegan donut bakery also opened in 2020 and offers donuts, sandwiches, and coffee. Even though they are vegan dishes, Germany is still skilled at making pastries or anything sweet, so you won’t lose the authentic German experience. The best thing about going to Berlin is that there isn’t much of a need to research vegan places; there will always be something to eat, and you’ll meet great people to eat with.

Montreal is everything people want to experience in France. The place is elegant, classy, romantic, and, best of all, friendly. However, one of the things I never suspected was that it is a very vegan-friendly city. Being a city for 382 years, it has grown developmentally in dietary understanding, so stating that you’re vegan will not be a complex process. Everywhere you go, there is an option to eat something vegan. Whether it be a fast food place or a delicious small romantic restaurant, there is plenty to dine in and see the city. Try Lola Rosa for the French/European experience; the waiting staff are kind and attentive to your needs. Or try LOV, a higher-end franchise with food ranging from pasta to burgers that feel like it was made with love and care. If you want to try things like poutine, Vegan Fiancé offers a great plate of vegan poutine fries and vegan milkshakes. And if you want just a snack, everyone is carrying a baguette everywhere, which just seems like à propos.

Being vegan can sometimes feel like you’re speaking another language. Most people forget what it is, and occasionally, explaining your dietary needs is more intimidating. However, Berlin, Mexico City, and Montreal are three of the best places to be vegan because of the accessibility and the general acceptance of the lifestyle. The most significant benefit of going to cities like these is that you can go to a town and not focus your time on food. Instead, you can focus your time and energy on what the city offers. With good food in your belly, you can truly experience your vacation, which makes the trip slightly more fun.

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