Vegan Travel

Traveling can be trouble for anyone, but as a vegan, it is like wading through a lake filled with cement. As it hardens, you start to panic, and generally, you cannot speak the language to even say, “is there dairy in this?” 

But what do you do if you want to experience the world but as a Vegan? How do you live your travel blogger lifestyle if the most you can eat is fruit from the convenience store? How do you explain to someone that you’re vegan and experience the authentic cultural dishes that the country has to offer? Do you have to be resigned to whatever westernized version of food there is?

Or is there always an actual good option?

When it comes to traveling, there are a lot of questions that come up. First, how do you even explain Veganism in a country where you struggle to say a sentence? Second, are you too prejudiced to think the country you’re in doesn’t know what Veganism is?

As much as people would hate to admit it, countries offer many options for Vegans, whether it is Michelin-starred restaurants or street food. The only issue is how to navigate a way to find it. So, instead of walking into a food establishment and hoping for the best, how do you find a way to experience what that country has to offer while still keeping your morals?

How do you experience the culture but stay true to yourself?

I’m still trying to navigate that, but I think I’m doing my best. 

On this page, I go through those questions while trying to find breakfast. I chronicle my traveling journey while also being a vegan. I do my best to go deep into the culture of whatever country I’m in while still eating and living a healthy plant-based lifestyle. I mention my successes and discuss my learning curves.

I do all of that while wearing a fabulous outfit.