Five Best Vintage Stores in LA

Even though I have written a great deal about the process of thrifting, there is an undeniable appeal to an opportunity for easy vintage treasures. While people debate if vintage or antique stores are too expensive, the high price you are paying is the service of getting something curated and bought for your convenience. Vintage and antique stores have someone who professionally thrifts or searches for that item, so the price reflects that. There are a lot of vintage or antique stores in Los Angeles; however, these are my top 5.

  • Catnip Coalition Vintage Mall- There is something special about a company that offers space for smaller vendors. It not only gives smaller vendors a chance but also varies your search for vintage items. With that, you are given a variety of things at a variety of prices. The owner, Cass, is lovely and kind and also uses some of the proceeds to help get cats rescued and donates to cat charities. The place is colorful and bright, with paintings and artworks of cats from local artists strewn all over the area. It also carries retro vibes with music and videos played on vintage TVs from the 80s. This place is the best place to find a gift for someone who would never expect it.
  • American Vintage- There are a couple of American Vintage stores throughout the LA area, and each one tends to be excellent. Even though the argument is that it is an expensive thrift store, the clothes sold there are definitely curated, and there is always a sale going on. Whether it be a great place to go costume shopping (I bought my Renaissance fair outfit there) or just a place where you can get a statement piece, American Vintage is a great option. They also sell clothes that didn’t do well at the Rosebowl Flea Market, so there’s always an opportunity to get something cheaply and sustainably.
  • Popkiller- Popkiller had a few locations around Los Angeles for a while but has shrunk to one in Little Tokyo. However, despite being downgraded, they haven’t downgraded it as a service. They provide some of the most excellent vintage outfits mixed with newer items, making it a great one-stop shop for gift-giving. Hitting more of an 80s/90s hipster vibe, Popkiller has some cool and unique pieces that might heighten your cool index. They also work with a series of local artists, licensing their artistic work for their handmade shirt line. Popkiller hits that rockstar punk vibe you see in movies but with kindness from the staff that is welcoming for the first-time buyer.
  • Playclothes Vintage- Playclothes Vintage caters to vintage style and personality more than places like Popkiller or Catnip Coalition. Their music, items, and employees carry an air of a bygone era. Despite that, the area is rich with vintage styles and options for all eras from the 20s to the 80s. They also sell antiques, but those would usually be dinnerware or some knickknacks. If a party or event warrants dressing up, this place would be a helpful place to achieve that goal. The prices of the clothes are decent, and it is big enough for you to be fully engrossed in the array of colors and styles.
  • Yes Baby Vintage- Yes Baby Vintage offers so much it should have its own designated post. Whether you need a gift, a piece of art, something to collect, or something to wear, Yes Baby is there for you. The owner, Cass, also the owner of Catnip Coalition, is a delight to be around, and her infectious energy makes shopping feel safe and inclusive. The company opened around the pandemic, so it is an institution that has passion and desire to last for a long time. They also host events like comedy shows, music, and pop-ups with other smaller artists. Because of how much they connect to the community, Yes Baby is a place you’ll feel good about when you spend your money

Even though thrifting or treasure shopping has an exciting appeal, finding everything through thrifting might seem less desirable based on time and energy, so vintage shopping becomes a better option. Even though there are so many vintage shops in Los Angeles, price and mood are significant factors for why you might be deterred to come and explore. However, these five shops offer a safe and comfortable solution to that problem. Inclusivity, price, style, and mood are some of the positive attributes these stores provide, which is why shopping at these places will only be a fun adventure.
Special mention- King Richard’s Antique Center– Since King Richard’s Antique Center isn’t in Los Angeles, I decided to omit this from the list; however, if there is a need for a particular item or a need for something to elevate your home, King Richard’s is the best place for that. I managed to snag my favorite desk here, and every time I come here, there seems to be something new or exciting. Some small vendors have booths throughout the location, each selling their style and design that was curated for you. I find King Richard’s Antique Center a great location to go on a day excursion. Take a coffee and explore what it has to offer.

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